DeviGyro RG30 (blast holes)

Improve blasting accuracy and efficiency with the DeviGyro RG30 continuous survey system.

All blast holes deviate but without routine measurement we can’t fully understand the impact it has on blasting efficiency. As production hole drilling and blasting is the final process in extracting material to be sent to the mill or processing plant, it is important to get it right.


In-hole deviation is known to be a contributor to poor fragmentation, dilution, bridging and ore loss. The ability to measure deviation and adjust the blast or re-drill is now more achievable than ever with the DeviGyro RG30 continuous and lightweight survey system.


  • Continuous surveying: 10 samples per second
  • No angle limitations
  • Battery: 24 hours continuous use. No charging required
  • Highly robust and protective titanium gyro housing
  • Android operating software features built-in quality assurance processor
  • Handheld: Android 7.1 or newer

Technical Specifications

  • Inclination accuracy: ±0.1°
  • Direction accuracy: ±0.5°
  • Tool face accuracy: ±0.2°
  • On board memory: 6hrs 40min of surveying
  • Temperature: -20° to +75°
  • RG30 weight: 2.5kg
  • RG30 diameter: 30mm
  • RG30 length: 1400mm

Continuous PHQC Package

  • DeviGyro: continuous rate gyro sensor
  • RG30 lightweight running gear
  • DeviRodder: Fibreglass rodder system with depth encoder for continuous surveying
  • Centralisers to suit most hole IDs
  • DeviAligner: North seeking fibre optic gyro for collar pickup

PHQC Product Brochure

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Downhole Surveys are the exclusive Australian distributors for Devico products.

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Ready to achieve absolute precision on your next drill campaign?