
DeviCloud is making the transfer and management of data between Drillers, Geologists and Engineers, more streamlined and efficient than ever.

Comprising of a thoughtfully designed interface and two-way communication, DeviCloud connects site to office in an instant to improve survey data visibility and reduce the potential for manual entry error.


With full encryption, authorisation and manageable permission levels across users, DeviCloud enables users to access data in the safest way possible whilst offering comprehensive QA reporting and multiple options for viewing, plotting and analysing surveys.


Complimentary with all survey instrument rentals and purchases, DeviCloud also provides clients with remote monitoring and proactive support from the DHS Technical Support team.

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Benefits and Features

  • Sync directly to planned holes

  • Increase accuracy with multiple run averaging

  • Plot surveys across numerous parameters with 2D & 3D graphs

  • Comprehensive QA reporting

  • Set deviation tolerance regions on drill holes
  • Controllable user permissions and editing rights

  • Organise and archive completed drilling

  • Fully encrypted security

  • Online access – No installation required

Technical Specifications
DeviCloud Portal:

  • Survey data capacity: Infinite
  • Plotting: 2D and 3D
  • Communication: Two-way
  • Tools supported: DeviAligner, DeviGyro, DeviShot, DeviFlex


  • Hosting platform: ISO27017 certified
  • Login authentication: ISO27017 certified
  • Supported browsers: Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox
  • User access: Defined by admin user

The Complete Survey System

Combine DeviGyro, DeviAligner and DeviCloud for the ultimate survey package and workflow:


Product Brochure

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Information and Resources

Downhole Surveys are the exclusive Australian distributors for Devico products.

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Ready to achieve absolute precision on your next drill campaign?