The DeviAligner uses advanced north seeking fibre optic gyro technology to output extremely precise azimuth and inclination values in surface and underground environments.
Settles in ten minutes
Wireless communication with Android handheld device
Live data feed
Import drill setups
Rechargeable, commercial grade batteries. Can be hot swapped for continuous operation through a full shift.
Multiple size mounting bracket
Robust design
Technical Specifications
Azimuth Accuracy = 0.23° sec lat
Tilt and Roll Accuracy = 0.1°
Settling time = 10 minutes
Battery life = 6 hours per battery
Dimensions = 32.0cm x 24.9cm x 21.7cm
Surface or underground:
Diamond Drilling
RC Drilling
Pilot holes – Raise Bore
Grade Control
Resource Definition
Geotechnical Investigation
Blast Holes
The Complete Survey System
Combine DeviGyro, DeviAligner and DeviCloud for the ultimate survey package and workflow