

Devico products and technologies available at Downhole Surveys


Miniature continuous rate gyro sensor for highly accurate borehole surveying. Available in a range of configurations to suit a variety of mining and civil applications.

DeviGyro RG30

  • Highly accurate, continuous surveying for production hole drilling
  • Contact us for more information

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DeviGyro RG40

  • Highly accurate, high speed continuous surveying for diamond, RC, geotechnical and pilot holes

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DeviGyro Overshot Xpress

  • Highly accurate, high speed continuous surveying whilst pulling core tube
  • Surface and underground wireline coring

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DeviGyro configurations by application - Mining

Blast Holes

Diamond Drilling

RC Drilling

DeviGyro RG30: Slimline surveying 30-102mm

DeviGyro RG30: Slimline surveying 30-102mm

DeviGyro RG30: Slimline surveying 30-102mm

DeviGyro RG30: Slimline surveying 30-102mm

DeviGyro RG30 Helix: In-rod surveying 30-50mm

DeviGyro RG30 Helix: In-rod surveying 30-50mm

DeviGyro RG30 Helix: In-rod surveying 30-50mm

DeviGyro RG30 Helix: In-rod surveying 30-50mm

DeviGyro RG40: In-rod surveying 45-100mm

DeviGyro RG40: In-rod surveying 45-100mm

DeviGyro RG40: In-rod surveying 45-100mm

DeviGyro RG40: In-rod surveying 45-100mm

DeviGyro Overshot Xpress Standard: Overshot surveying NQ-PQ

DeviGyro Overshot Xpress Standard: Overshot surveying NQ-PQ

DeviGyro Overshot Xpress Standard: Overshot surveying NQ-PQ

DeviGyro Overshot Xpress Standard: Overshot surveying NQ-PQ

DeviGyro Overshot Xpress Mini: Overshot surveying BQ-NQ

DeviGyro Overshot Xpress Mini: Overshot surveying BQ-NQ

DeviGyro Overshot Xpress Mini: Overshot surveying BQ-NQ

DeviGyro Overshot Xpress Mini: Overshot surveying BQ-NQ


Highly accurate North Seeking FOG system for rig alignment and collar pickup


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Reliable single/multishot surveying (non-magnetic ground)


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Cloud-based survey data management system compatible for use with DeviGyro, DeviAligner, DeviShot

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Downhole Surveys are the exclusive Australian distributors for Devico products.