DeviGyro RG40 (standard)

The DeviGyro RG40 configuration delivers high speed, continuous surveying in a smaller, more affordable package than ever before.

Ideal for RC, diamond, geotechnical drilling, pilot holes and civil applications.

Designed with convenience and ease of use for drillers in mind, this cutting edge rate gyro system utilises a proprietary navigational algorithm to deliver the high standard of quality assurance Devico and Downhole Surveys are known for. With uncomplicated operation and an attractive price point, the DeviGyro is resetting the standard for driller operated survey systems.


  • Continuous surveying: 10 samples per second.

A typical 350m survey (In and OUT) takes 15-17 minutes, recording data every 100mm and reporting in 3m survey intervals.


  • Patented controlled rotation centralisers. Adjustable for NQ-PQ
  • Battery: 25 hours continuous use. No charging required
  • Android operating software features built-in quality assurance processor
  • Handheld: Android 7.1 or newer

Technical Specifications

  • Survey speed: Up to 100m/min (recommended 60-80m/min)
  • Inclination accuracy: ±0.1°
  • Direction accuracy: ±0.5°
  • Tool face accuracy: ±0.2°
  • On board memory: 6hrs 40min of surveying
  • Temperature: -15° to +75°

Standard running gear

  • Weight 1.6kg/3.5lbs
  • Diameter 40mm/1.57”
  • Length 1500mm/59”
  • Pressure 300bar/4350psi

Frequently Asked Questions

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The Complete System

Combine DeviGyro, DeviAligner and DeviCloud for the ultimate survey package and workflow


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Civil Applications
New patent pending centralisers compliment DeviGyro RG40, ideal for large diameter and near vertical holes. Featuring highly robust rollers to ensure speed, correct positioning and rotation down the hole, the centralisers are adjustable between 100mm and 400mm.


Enquire with us to find the best survey solution on your next civil project.


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Product Brochure

Fill in your details below to receive the DeviGyro brochure


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Downhole Surveys are the exclusive Australian distributors for Devico products.

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